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"Include a one-line highlight above and follow through with the full review here. Reviews and testimonials are a great way to build trust in your product or course."


"Include a one-line highlight above and follow through with the full review here. Reviews and testimonials are a great way to build trust in your product or course."

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You've got questions?
  • When will I get access to my VIP Entrée pass bundle items?
    I’m going to drop the content for the VIP Entrée passes on the morning of the summit start date.

    Don’t worry about missing a thing, I will email you with all the deets!!
  • What's the difference between the free ticket and these VIP Entrée Passes?
    The FREE ticket will give you access to the speaker interviews for 48 hours each (cause there are so many good ones and I want to make sure you have time to watch them).

    After the 48 hours expires, the videos will be removed (I’ve got some fancy tech work assisting me in the backend to help me do this).

    I highly recommend the VIP Entrée pass, especially if you’d like to watch on your own time, as many times as you want, and play and pause the interview to implement some of the amazing strategies.

    That is why I think the ROSE GOLD VIP Entrée pass is a good option for you!
  • What is your refund policy like?
    Because of the digital nature of the sessions and the instant downloads available, refunds are not available.
  • Can I contact you with any questions?
    Absolutely my beautiful friend. Send me a DM on IG or FB or email me at support@juliecbutler.com.
  • Total payment
  • 1x[Demo] LeadGen ThriveCart Template Funnel | Tripwire$97

All prices in USD
